Who I Serve

If you identify as polyamorous or love someone who does, you have come to the right place.  I provide counseling services to clients who are actively engaged in the ethically non-monogamous lifestyle, identify as LGBTQIA+, or experience emotional difficulties and relationship issues.

It’s hard enough to navigate the ins and outs and everything that comes along with maintaining multiple intimate relationships, but even harder when the context includes living in a hetero-mono-normative majority culture.  Hollywood and the media rarely provide audiences with visible role models who are engaging in healthy non-traditional relationships.  Finding friends who are knowledgeable and supportive of your chosen lifestyle may also be difficult, leading to feelings of loneliness or isolation.  Even going to therapy, which is supposed to be a safe space, can feel scary if you’re uncertain of the therapist’s views regarding consensual non-monogamy (CNM) and experience working with CNM clients.  In fact, that’s probably why you’re here reading this page.  I’ve got your back.  There’s no reason why you can’t have a happy, healthy quality of life, and no reason you shouldn’t have an affirming therapy experience that will support you with living out your full potential. 


The clients that I work with share the following characteristics:

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  • They have a tendency to engage fully with life, and they structure their lives in a multi-dimensional way. 

  • They prioritize their relationships and want to make sure that their relationships are happy, healthy and loving.

  • They care about honoring their partners’ needs while also honoring their own needs; therefore, they want to be able to communicate effectively with their partners.

  • They try hard to do the “right thing” in situations.

  • They pursue an evolving journey of self-discovery while realizing that their past experiences impact their present.

My clients are vibrant souls who excel at making the most of their lives. They fully embrace the concept of “carpe diem” — seize the day. They aren't the type to just say they want to engage fully with the present, they actually do it, putting actions behind their words. This might look like going on dates with potential new partners while also running a household and helping the kids with their homework in the evenings. Or, it could look like throwing themselves into their career while also carving out time to travel to new sites with people they care about.

However, as my clients go about making the most of their lives, they may find themselves performing balancing acts to keep it all together. It can be stressful trying to juggle everything at once, and tricky maintaining relationships with multiple romantic partners, when insecurities and conflicting needs get in the way. My clients tend to be conscientious about making ethical decisions, but sometimes it can be anxiety-provoking figuring out what exactly to do in certain situations. They want to communicate effectively with the important people in their lives, but sometimes communication patterns at play seem to exacerbate, rather than alleviate, the issues being discussed.

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When they first come to counseling, my clients tell me…

  • They sense disconnection from their partner(s), which leaves them with a sense of loneliness.

  • They are more impatient towards people, which has been impacting their relationships.

  • They feel constantly on edge, overwhelmed, anxious, or trapped.

  • They struggle with being tired all of the time.

  • They have trouble staying focused.

  • They don’t enjoy activities like they used to.

  • They find themselves crying more than usual.

  • They experience problems with sleep. 

  • They feel depressed or down.

  • They have a hard time motivating themselves to keep going and notice that their low energy levels are getting in their way of being involved in life the way they want to be.


My clients come to work with me because they need a sounding board.  Sometimes, there can be so much going on in their lives that it’s hard to find the space to slow down and reflect on current situations in order to determine the most effective way to proceed. They need a structured opportunity to take a step back to get some perspective and support as they evaluate how to engage with living life to the fullest.  That’s what counseling is for, and that’s what I’m here for.  No one gives you an award for going it alone, and you deserve better than that.

It is possible to live life to its fullest and to enjoy multiple partnerships without sacrificing your well-being.

I believe in treating the client as a whole – not just focusing on a particular problem, but on all of the aspects that make an individual unique.  I’m equipped to help you get to the root of your anxiety, depression, or relationship concerns regardless of what you might be experiencing on the surface.  It is possible to live life to its fullest and to enjoy multiple partnerships without sacrificing your well-being.  You have permission to feel connected in your relationships, to be loved for who you are, and to engage in life in a way that is energizing rather than stressful and draining.

If you’re here for that, I’m here for you.